Degree Plan
Please refer to the undergraduate catalog for the most up-to-date information.
For students considering a LING major or just interested in languages, a great first course to take is LING 1305 Language in Society to satisfy the Contemporary Social Issues requirement in the core curriculum.
Major in Linguistics
Twelve semester hours of linguistics core courses:
- LING 3310 Introduction to Linguistics
- LING 4302 Semantics & Pragmatics
- LING 4303 Contemporary Syntax
- LING 4305 Phonetics & Phonology
Any twelve semester hours from the following list of electives:
- LING 3311 English Words
- LING 3315 Sociolinguistics
- LING 3319 Language & Culture
- LING 4311* Special Topics in Linguistics
- LING 4312 Old English Language
- LING 4313 First Language Acquisition
- LING 4314 History of the English Language
- LING 4315 Psycholinguistics
- LING 4318 Second Language Acquisition
- LING 4319 American English Dialects
- LING 4v20 Independent Study in Linguistics
* LING 4311 may be repeated once for credit toward the major with a change in topic and consent of the instructor
Three additional semester hours selected from II above or from the following courses:
- LING 3312 Modern English Grammar
- TED 4312 Methods of teaching English as a Second Language
- SPA 4315 Methods of teaching Foreign Language (also FRE 4315 & GER 4315)
- PHI 4345 Intermediate Logic
- PHI 4353 Philosophy of Language
- PSY 3311 Cognitive Psychology (prerequisites: NSC 1306 & MTH 1321)
Required Courses in Other Fields:
- Complete any four courses from the following less-commonly studied languages at the 1000- or 2000-levels:
- ARA, ARB, CHI, GKB, GKC, HEB, JPN, KOR, RUS, SAN, SWA, American Sign Language (CSD 1405, 1406, 2301, 2302), or from the list below.
- No more than two upper-level courses with the same prefix may count toward this requirement. No course counting toward the Arts and Sciences B.A. language requirement may also count toward this requirement.
- ARA/REL 4303 (Aramaic); ARB 3301 (Advanced Arabic Grammar); CHI 3301 (Chinese Conversation, Composition, and Readings I); CHI 3302 (Chinese Conversation, Composition, and Readings II); CLA 4360 (Indo-European Language and Culture); GKB/GKC 3351 (Advanced New Testament Greek); JPN 3301 (Japanese Reading Development); JPN 3302 (Japanese Reading Skills); JPN 3303 (Japanese Conversation and Composition); LING 3V99 (Special Studies in Less-Commonly Studied Languages) REL 3309 (Advanced Biblical Hebrew I); REL 3310 (Advanced Biblical Hebrew II); REL 3320 (Advanced Classical and Biblical Greek I); REL 3321 (Advanced Classical and Biblical Greek II); RUS 3301 (Russian Conversation and Composition); RUS 3302 (Russian Reading Development); RUS 3310 (Russian Phonetics and Phonology); SYR/REL 4304 (Syriac).
- The B.A. degree requires 36 hours of 3000- or 4000-level courses, which is the average number of hours required by most majors; however, you will only take 27 hours of 3000- and 4000-level courses in satisfying the LING degree requirements. Therefore, a LING major must take an additional 9 hours of 3000- or 4000-level courses to satisfy the B.A. requirements. These hours can be in pursuit of a second major, a minor, or just for pleasure.
Minor in Linguistics
Twelve semester hours of linguistics core courses:
- LING 3310 Introduction to Linguistics
- LING 4302 Semantics & Pragmatics
- LING 4303 Contemporary Syntax
- LING 4305 Phonetics & Phonology
Any six semester hours from the following:
- LING 3311 English Words
- LING 3315 Sociolinguistics
- LING 3319 Language & Culture
- LING 4311* Special Topics in Linguistics
- LING 4313 First Language Acquisition
- LING 4314 History of the English Language
- LING 4315 Psycholinguistics
- LING 4318 Second Language Acquisition
- LING 4319 American English Dialects
* LING 4311 may be repeated once for credit toward the major with a change in topic and consent of the instructor
*You must earn a grade of C or better in courses used for the minor.