The Professional Writing & Rhetoric major is focused on connecting classroom learning to professional workplace experiences. As a result, one of the core courses in the PWR major is ENG 4377: Writing Internship. Students typically complete this course during their junior or senior years, after completing some core PWR courses. The internship program allows students to gain real-world experience in various related fields, including editing, writing for publication, web design, technical writing, marketing, public relations, and research, Both volunteer and paid internships are offered by a variety of organizations on-campus at Baylor and off-campus in Waco and the surrounding areas. Most allow flexible hours to accommodate student schedules.The primary guideline for the PWR internship is that the position be focused on writing. Writing, of course, includes a host of other activities, such as editing, revision, research, publishing, web design, graphic design, marketing, social media, public relations, and design.
For Students
Professional Writing & Rhetoric is focused on connecting classroom learning to professional workplace experiences so that students gain real-world experience in various related fields, including editing, writing for publication, technical writing, and web design. As a result, as part of their coursework, all PWR majors complete one internship for course credit (ENG 4377), typically during their junior or senior years after completing core courses in the major. Students are not required to register for ENG 4377 to complete an internship. In fact, PWR students are encouraged to complete more than one internship, and many students end up completing three or more high-value internships before they graduate. Students often intern with publishing companies, nonprofits, hospitals, universities, corporations, and state and federal government officials. Completing an internship benefits PWR majors by instilling in them important workplace literacies, skills, and values and by preparing them to work in a professional setting.
To receive course credit, students will intern in the fall or summer semesters.
- In the fall, students are required to complete 120 hours of work and meet in person for class. Internships during the semester take place in Waco and other communities in Central Texas.
- In the summer, students complete 150 hours of work at the internship site and take the course online. Students are required to find and secure their own internship and are encouraged to apply early to get the kind of high-profile internship they want.
Students are required to find and secure their own internship. You should have a current resume and samples of your work to take to an interview. If you are enrolled in ENG 4377, you will need to complete the "Internship Agreement Form" and submit it to the supervising professor in order to get it approved. The primary guideline for the PWR internship is that the position be focused on writing. Writing, of course, includes a host of other activities, such as editing, revision, research, publishing, web design, graphic design, marketing, social media, public relations, and design.
For Partner Organizations
Welcome, and thank you for your interest in the Baylor University's Department of English Professional Writing & Rhetoric Internship Program.
Every year, between 20 and 40 PWR juniors and seniors work with organizations throughout Waco and Central Texas to assist in writing-related work. Our students come to the workplace prepared with many strong writing, editing, and design skills developed through the PWR curriculum. Through coursework, students have gained experience writing in a variety of workplace and professional genres, including memos, proposals, reports, emails, social media, press releases, flyers, brochures, manuals, and newsletters. They have become skilled at adapting their writing to a specific audience, purpose, and context to produce rhetorically-persuasive texts. Many of our courses include community-engaged or service-learning components that ask students to collaborate with local organizations to produce large writing projects.
If you are interested in discussing the Professional Writing and Rhetoric Internship Program or would like to become a partnering organization with our internship program, please contact Dr. Mike DePalma, , Undergraduate Program Director of Professional Writing & Rhetoric, at
Internship Opportunities
PWR students are required to find and secure a professional writing internship for course credit for English 4377: Writing Internship. The internship can focus on writing, editing, research, publishing, web design, graphic design, marketing, public relations, social media, communications, and/or design. Below is a list of local internship sites where PWR majors have interned in the past. Please note: your internship does not have to come from this list.
Baylor Organizations
Baylor Bear Foundation: Sports Writing Intern. Contact: Jerry Hill, Director of Communications or (254)710-2582. The Baylor Bear Foundation’s purpose is to provide scholarship funds for Baylor's student-athletes and to support and promote the interest and welfare of Baylor Athletics. As the primary fund raising organization for Baylor Athletics, the Bear Foundation supports all 19 Baylor sports.
Baylor College of Arts and Sciences: Marketing and Communications Intern. Contact: Randy Fiedler, Director of Marketing and Communications. The student will assist the Director of Marketing and Communications in the College of Arts & Sciences in researching and writing stories for use as electronic news releases, for posting on social media platforms and for print in Baylor Arts & Sciences magazine. Intern should have the following personal qualities: News and feature writing ability, interpersonal skills, creativity, self-motivation, ability to finish work within deadlines and without large amounts of supervision, and willingness to run occasional errands on campus. Required skills include Word and a working knowledge of Facebook and Twitter. A working knowledge of Photoshop, WordPress and SLR photography a plus. Please submit recent writing samples, including both hard news and feature stories, as well as any photographic work if available.
Baylor Law: Professional Writing Intern. Contact: Ed Nelson, Director of Marketing and Communications. Intern will write articles and/or news stories for various printed and digital Baylor Law platforms, including the Baylor Law alumni magazine Docket Call, the Baylor Law website, and the electronic newsletter Rocket Docket. This internship is unpaid.
Baylor Marketing and Communications: Writing Intern. Contact: Melissa Perry. Internship positions are filled in the spring, and students should only make contact once the call for internship applications has gone out (which occurs in late spring). Interns must commit to working both summer sessions or for both semesters (fall/spring). This internship position is paid.
Baylor University Press: Editing and Publishing Intern. Contact: Karla Garrett. Karla will arrange an interview with Dr. Newman. If you are interested in learning about publishing from the business side, consider talking to BU Press. You work on promoting books, communicating with authors, and writing copy to help sell the books. Another benefit: the head of BU Press, Dr. Newman, is widely known and respected in major publishing circles.
Diana R. Garland School of Social Work: Marketing Communications Intern. Contact: Nikki Wilmoth, Director of Marketing and Communication.
University Libraries Office of Marketing & Communications: Writing Intern. Contact: Carl Flynn, Director of Marketing and Communications for Information Technology and University Libraries.
For information about other on-campus internship possibilities and how to apply, please contact the Office of Career and Professional Development.
Off-Campus Organizations
Act Locally Waco: Writing/Journalism Intern. Contact: Ashley Thornton. Be a part of Waco greatness! ALW is looking for an intern with lots of initiative who loves Waco. Job responsibilities will include: Major responsibility for producing the weekly Act Locally Waco Friday Update on-line newsletter; Maintaining Facebook presence; Launching and developing Twitter presence; and other duties as imagined.! Interested? This internship is unpaid.
American Red Cross—Heart of Texas: Communications and Social Media Intern. Contact: Mark Felton, Executive Director, (254) 523-4985.
Antioch Community Church: Communications Intern. Contact: Kendra Pulliam, Communications Director. Interns will work in the Communications Department. Someone who is creative, likes working with and relying on a team, likes people, and has a good sense of humor would really enjoy this internship.
Boys and Girls Clubs of Waco: Grant Writing Intern. Contact: April Rosier, Chief Executive Officer, Phone: (254) 752-6443. One of BGCW's biggest goals in 2018 is to take advantage of more grant opportunities to aid us in serving more children in our community. We aim to apply for grants that will give us an opportunity to implement new programs, improve our facilities, increase transportation, and most importantly, serve more kids. Grants are available through the Boys & Girls Clubs of America as well as through national and local organizations. Our mission at BGCW is to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. We have the opportunity to change so many lives right here in Waco, Texas. Our goal for the 2018-2019 school year is to increase our membership numbers by 50%, and more funding will help make this dream more of a reality. We have plans to implement more education programs, health/fitness programs, and leadership/character programs in order to help our youths become the best all-around people they can be. While our intern's main concentration will be grant writing, there are numerous other areas we can utilize him/her. We're revamping our social media, marketing strategies, fundraising approach, and working hard to make meaningful relationships in the community.
Dwyer Group: Communications/PR Intern or Marketing Intern. Apply online using this link. The Dwyer Group’s Internship Program is a unique, comprehensive experience and is seeking highly motivated, qualified candidates for this challenging and beneficial program. Each intern will rotate through all four disciplines in their field of study.
- For PR/Communications, interns will spend time focused on Public Relations, Internal Corporate Communications, Social Media, and Corporate Writing and Editing.
- For Marketing, interns will spend time on Digital Marketing, Direct Mail, Email Marketing and Customer Retention; Grass roots Marketing, and Data analysis and reporting.
Good Neighbor House: Media/Public Relations Intern. Contact: Dr. Laine Scales, Founder.
Humane Society of Central Texas: Writing Intern. Contact: Elizabeth Walker. Visit this page for more detail on internships.
L-3 Communications: Technical Writing Internship.
RAM Aircraft: Technical Writing Intern. Contact: Brian Adamik, President & CEO, 254.752.8381. Interns will support the marketing department with technical writing and proofing for all types of media.
Retired and Senior Volunteer Program: Writing Intern. Contact: Ms. Susan Copeland, (254) 299-8766.Hours of Operation: M-F, 8-5 (weekend and evening opportunities possible). RSVP, located at McLennan Community College, is one of the largest volunteer programs in the nation. RSVP recruits,manages and supports senior adult volunteers over age 55 in service to non profit and health related organization where they to help hospitals, schools, police departments, Meals on Wheels, food banks, crisis center and a long list of other community organizations that make an impact in our community. A student intern would work directly with the RSVP staff and will write news articles, work directly with the media, develop outreach information, construct grants, create and implement large events or generate trainings, conduct interviews, produce brochures, printed materials, and power point/video presentations, or many other possibilities. The student will have direct access to local, state and federal elected officials, media at several levels, local and state sponsored organizations and many other opportunities to build relationships and contacts. A student intern will be brought into the program as a team member with the expectation and understanding that this will be a learning and supportive environment that will help build their portfolio.
Seeds Publishers: Professional Writing Intern. Contact: Katie Cook, editor, (254)755-7745. At Seeds, you will get a wide range of experiences with writing and publishing in print and digital media. You will also contribute to some or all of their publications: Hunger News & Hope, Baptist Peacemaker, Sacred Seasons, and the Caritas Newsletter. You will proofread, compile news and resources, and research important issues of hunger, poverty, and peace. You will write at least one feature story, as well as at least one resource review or resource compilation. You will also assist with layout and design and help maintain their web site and Facebook pages. This internship is located on Baylor’s campus and is perfect for students needing something close.
Talitha Koum Institute: Professional Writing Intern. Contact: Susan Cowley. Good internship for those interested in children and family issues. Prospective internship candidate should have strong collaborative and interpersonal skills, take initiative, and have a strong work ethic. Interns will gain hands-on experience and mentorship from TKI Executive Director, Susan Cowley, 35-year owner of The Cowley Group marketing firm. Types of writing projects include copy (text) for TKI's website, creative writing for Hottest Ticket in Town events, direct mail, donor appeals, monthly thank you letters, “Brain Trust” updates on specific children following teacher interviews, newsletters, technical writing for handbooks/procedures, grant-writing, social media, document design, and funding research. Talitha Koum Institute is a Waco-based, Christian non-profit that partners with families living in the chaos of deep poverty to raise trauma-affected children to become intellectually capable, emotionally resilient and prepared to be contributing members of the community. An all-day program of neurologically-effective, therapeutic intervention is provided on-site at 1311 Clay Avenue and through our K-Ready Kids class at J. H. Hines Elementary School. To apply, send by email a cover letter, resume, and two samples of your writing.
Unbound: Communications Intern. Contact: Natalie Garnett. UnBound is seeking a passionate, hardworking communications intern with strong writing skills. This position provides first-hand experience fighting human trafficking by playing a key role in UnBound Waco and interacting with UnBound chapters around the world. Reporting directly to UnBound’s Assistant National Director, the intern will have access to the internal structure of a high-impact, grassroots organization and will gain valuable experience acting as a professional within the community. Interns will manage social media, create and update website content, manage, write, and edit the blog, write news releases, and write grant proposals, amongst other things. UnBound is an international network mobilizing the Church and activating local communities to fight human trafficking through prevention, professional training and survivor advocacy. UnBound Waco is a ministry of Antioch Community Church. Applicants must be attendees of Antioch in order to be considered. To apply, send by email a cover letter, resume (please include two references: one professional/academic and one personal), and at least one writing sample.
Wacoan Waco's Magazine: Editorial Intern. Contact: Michelle Johnson, Executive Editor, (254)772-5540, ext. 109.
Waco-McLennan County Public Health District: Writing Coordinator. Contact: Margo Shanks, Health Services Coordinator, 254-750-5481.
World Hunger Relief: Writing Intern. Send cover letter and resume to: