Dr. Richard Rankin Russell

Modern & Contemporary British & Irish Literature
Southern Literature
Ph.D. University of North Carolina
M.A. University of North Carolina
M. Phil. University of Glasgow
Seamus Heaney: A Critical Introduction, Edinburgh University Press, distribution in North and South America by Oxford University Press, Fall 2016. Favorably reviewed in New Hibernia Review, Winter 2016.
Seamus Heaney's Regions. University of Notre Dame Press, June 2014. 498 pp. Favorably reviewed in Publisher's Weekly and in The Oxonian.
Editor, Bernard MacLaverty: New Critical Readings. Bloomsbury Academic, 2014. 191 pp.
Modernity, Community, and Place in Brian Friel’s Drama. Syracuse University Press, Irish Studies series, 2013. 318 pp.
- Reviewed favorably by Lisa Fitzgerald, Irish Studies Review, Winter 2014.
- Reviewed favorably by Rhona Trench, Comparative Drama, Fall 2014.
Editor, Peter Fallon: Poet, Publisher, Translator, Editor, Irish Academic Press (Dublin, Ireland and Portland, Oregon), 2013. 215 pp. Book launch, Trinity College, Dublin: November 15, 2013.
- Positive reviews in New Hibernia Review, Times Literary Supplement, Sunday Business Post, and Sunday Times (Ireland edition), along with two radio interviews, including "Talking Books" with Susan Cahill, Newstalk Radio, Dublin, Ireland, Sunday, February 10, 2014.
Poetry and Peace: Michael Longley, Seamus Heaney, and Northern Ireland. University of Notre Dame Press, 2010. 381 pp.
- Reviewed favorably by J. Robert Baker, Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice, Fall 2012.
- Reviewed favorably by Rand Brandes in James Joyce Literary Supplement, Spring 2012.
- Reviewed favorably by Richard Tillinghast in The New Criterion, May 2011.
- Winner of the South Central Modern Language Association Book Prize, 2011.
- Winner of the South Atlantic Modern Language Association Book Prize, 2011.
Bernard MacLaverty. Bucknell University Press, Contemporary Irish Writers Series. 2009. 175 pages
- Reviewed favorably by Richard Haslam, New Hibernia Review 15.3 (Autumn 2011): 153-55.
- Reviewed favorably by Peter Mahon in Irish Studies Review 19.1 (Feb. 2011): 130-32.
Invited Editor of Martin McDonagh: A Casebook. Routledge, Casebooks on Modern Dramatists series, 2007.
- Reprinted in paperback, 2012.
- Reviewed favorably in The Year's Work in English Studies, 2009.
Essays on W.B. Yeats, Seamus Heaney, Brian Friel, Eavan Boland, Tom Stoppard, Philip Larkin, E.M. Forster, Virginia Woolf, Michael Longley, William Trevor, Derek Mahon, Marina Carr, Stewart Parker, Wilfred Owen, Medbh McGuckian, Barry Unsworth, and others in journals such as Twentieth-Century Literature, Renascence, New Hibernia Review, Journal of Modern Literature, Irish University Review, Modern Drama, and Eire-Ireland.
Referee for PMLA, Studies in the Novel, English Studies, Irish Studies Review, Irish University Review, Papers in Language and Literature, New Hibernia Review, and other journals.
Baylor Centennial Professor, 2012
2012 Lily Fellows Summer Seminar for College and University Teachers: “Teaching Peace and Reconciliation: Theory and Practice in Northern Ireland.” Corrymeela Centre for Peace and Reconciliation, Ballycastle, Northern Ireland, July 7-28, 2012
Literature Representative, American Conference for Irish Studies, 2011-2013
National Endowment for the Humanities Institute on W.B. Yeats. Galway, Ireland, July 7-August 1, 2008
Fellow for the National Humanities Center's Summer Seminar in Literary Studies: The King James Bible (with James Wood of Harvard), July 8-13, 2007
2007 Achievement Award for New Scholars in Humanities and Fine Arts from the Conference of Southern Graduate Schools (CSGS) for distinguished scholarship published from May, 2000 to April, 2006 by faculty from member institutions.
Outstanding Professor at Baylor, 2003-04. Awarded for Distinctive Scholarship as an Untenured Faculty Member in the College of Arts and Sciences
University of North Carolina Graduate School Dissertation Research Fellowship to Belfast, Northern Ireland, Spring Semester 2000
Rotary International Ambassadorial Scholarship, University of Glasgow, 1994-95