Dr. Timothy DeJong
Senior Lecturer

20th-Century American Literature
Modernist Studies
Affect Theory
Ph.D. The University of Western Ontario
M.A. Saint Louis University
B.A. McMaster University
Courses Taught
- ENG 1302: Thinking and Writing
- ENG 2301: British Literature
- ENG 2304: American Literature
Timothy DeJong researches in modernist studies, modern and contemporary poetry, and aesthetics. He is the author of Hope and Aesthetic Utility in Modernist Literature (Routledge, 2020). His essays have been published in Modernist Cultures, Research in African Literatures, College Literature, Texas Studies in Literature and Language, and English Studies in Canada. His poetry appears in Rattle, Roanoke Review, Booth, Kindred, Nomadic Journal, Common Ground Review, and other journals. His current project examines affective and philosophical developments in American lyric poetry in the twentieth century.